Jamila Owens-Todd, N.D.

Keeping Up with Naturopathic Doctor, Jamila Owens-Todd, N.D.

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Prevention Is More Than A Magazine

There has been much debate over the terms complimentary, alternative and holistic medicine. These words describe the original medicine, the medicine that was used and practiced before HMO’s and insurance plans, before the mass marketing of pharmaceuticals and it is the medicine of our ancestors. Today, this “alternative” medicine is often sought after someone has reached the bottom of the barrel with conventional medicine. Many patients are being told that there is nothing else to do for your cholesterol, the only option is surgery for that malfunctioning gallbladder or are prescribed another drug to counter the side effects of the current seven prescribed drugs. These patients usually seek an alternative. Although many of the alternatives work, just consider your health state prior to this point. What if you would have been following an alternative before the drugs, before the last-choice-options or even before the diagnosis?

Applying basic healthy lifestyle interventions and utilizing alternative health care, before becoming ill is called prevention. Prevention is an investment into your health. One healthcare provider calls alternative healthcare, Proactive Medicine. Being proactive has always created optimal results and reduces stress. Many of us may be aware of the damage that constant stress causes to our bodies. Reducing stress by increasing healthier lifestyle produces a three-fold effect:
□ We have better responses to stress, when it does occur in our lives
□ We prevent hormonal imbalances that occurs with high stress levels, therefore having more stable mental/emotional health
□ We lead healthier physical lives by choosing healthy alternatives first

This list can continue on for miles, but what has been proven true in scientific studies is the relationship to our response to stress and mental and physical illness. What has been proven in actual lives is that chronic stress leads to a host of physical and emotional imbalances. The stress levels is only one, of the many factors, that improve when we live proactively. When prevention is at the forefront, we do not have to spend enormous amounts of time treating illnesses. If we invest time and energy into treating our mental, emotional and spiritual selves with love and healing; then we will reduce the time spent in begrudgingly treating an illness or disease.

Besides, treating an illness is the worst way towards healing. You must treat the person, who just so happens to have an illness. Illness serves a purpose. It strengthens the immune system and more importantly, it opens the eyes to pivotal points of focus. It is exploring that focal point that creates the most productive healing. Once the illness has resolved and there is no focal point to address, this places you at a point of prevention. Prevention is ongoing.